Sunday, March 30, 2008
DeW tHe DeW
This morning Carter got a hold of Rob's mountain dew cans and would not let them go. Luckily they
were empty. But I had to get some pictures.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Toddlers Toddlers :)
Okay for those of you who have toddlers you will all think this is funny. So last night Carter disappeared for a couple of minutes, so of course I figured he was in my room. And of course he was in my bathroom, everything looked in order the toilet seat was down (because he always tries to get into it). I picked him up and went in to the living room. Well a couple of minutes later Rob went to go the bathroom and this is what he found. :)

Carter was so proud of himself, I have to admit I was laughing so hard I could barely stand. Luckily we had some rubber glove that I had to use to empty the toilet. The joys of being a mom :) I really do love it. 
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
After a Long weekend
Carter and Brinkley after a long weekend I thought that this picture was so cute.
Easter Weekend
This year was such a fun Easter. Part of my family came out and we hung out, we went to the beach on Friday and Marc and Rob went surfing. I was really impressed they both go up.

Carter had so much fun with my mom and dad on the beach until we walked him down to the water and he really did not like it.
And look how cute Lisa is it really is not fair how cute she is I am jealous :).
On Saturday we all went down to Newport Beach to see my cousin from Oklahoma Lisa and her family. It was so fun to see them I haven't seen her for like six or seven years. They all looked so good her kids are so big. 
Monday, March 3, 2008
Well it has been an exciting couple of weeks. We moved AGAIN!! This time it was a good move, we no longer have a room mate it is a really good thing. But as you all know moving is not a fun thing, thankfully my Parents came out and helped us move. It actually went really quick, we got the apartment on wednesday and by late saturday afternoon we all moved in. Me and Rob moved some stuff but the most of it was moved saturday morning. I really is hard to move with a one year old and a dog. Thank you again to my mom and dad you really don't even know how much you helped. 
Moving is hard on every one. This was on Friday after one trip to the new house.
Grandma, Papa, and Carter were so tired on Saturday after all the moving. Cute huh :)Well have lived in California for almost 14 months and this is the first time and place that we have hung stuff on the wall. Its nice it actually fills like home.
This is Rob's baby, when we found out that we were getting the smaller apartment we decided to sell our couches and T.V. and this is what Rob got. ( Sorry dad he had to out do you by 2 inches.)
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